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The Difference Between Shyness And Social Anxiety Disorder

You've never felt comfortable around most individuals and when you do feel comfortable, it is usually around a select few whom you have a special connection with. But otherwise, your shyness feels almost debilitating. If you haven't seen a mental health professional about your anxiety, you might assume that you suffer from social anxiety disorder. However, social anxiety disorder is different from shyness and understanding these differences can help you take the best corrective action.

Both Conditions Are Not Necessarily Found In The same Individual

Shyness is a personality trait. Many individuals who are shy do not view this tendency negatively and can go on to live a normal and healthy life. It is common for those with social anxiety disorder to be shy, but not everyone with social anxiety disorder is shy either. There are some individuals who are outgoing, but who will also be crippled by bouts of social anxiety disorder.

Those Who Are Shy Are More Likely To Overcome Challenges

Feelings of shyness can sometimes create discomfort. However, those who are shy will usually warm up after they have become comfortable with those around them and the situation is usually tolerable. However, those with social anxiety disorder would find it very difficult to relax under similar circumstances. They may be sweating, nauseous or dizzy. There will often be physical symptoms associated with the anxiety.

Social Anxiety Disorder Impoverishes Those Suffering From It

Social anxiety disorder is not only uncomfortable, but can be debilitating. Many suffering from this disorder have jobs that are far under their capabilities because they are afraid to seek promotions or to pursue a better job. If this is your situation, you may find yourself on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale. Conversely, those who are shy will usually find ways to accommodate their feelings of discomfort and can go on to lead very successful lives.

Why You Must See A Mental Health Professional

If you feel stress, embarrassment and humiliation on a daily basis as a result of what you believe is social anxiety disorder, it is essential that you seek treatment. Not only can this disorder hold you back, but it also causes unnecessary suffering.

The best way to know if you have social anxiety disorder is to meet with a mental health professional experienced with treating this condition. He or she will be able to examine your symptoms to determine if you are suffering from social anxiety disorder. Contact a business, such as Blue Spruce Counseling, for more information.   
